- Inheritance
Test::Unit::Assertions contains the standard Test::Unit assertions. Assertions is included in Test::Unit::TestCase.
To include it in your own code and use its functionality, you simply need to rescue Test::Unit::AssertionFailedError. Additionally you may override add_assertion to get notified whenever an assertion is made.
- The message to each assertion, if given, will be propagated with the failure.
- It is easy to add your own assertions based on assert_block().
Example Custom Assertion
def deny(boolean, message = nil) message = build_message message, '<?> is not false or nil.', boolean assert_block message do not boolean end end
Name | Description | |
UncaughtThrow | = {NameError => /^uncaught throw \`(.+)\'$/, ThreadError => /^uncaught throw \`(.+)\' in thread /} |
Visibility | Signature |
public | use_pp= (value) |
Visibility | Signature |
public | assert (boolean, message=nil) |
public | assert_block (message="assert_block failed.") {|| ...} |
public | assert_equal (expected, actual, message=nil) |
public | assert_in_delta (expected_float, actual_float, delta, message="") |
public | assert_instance_of (klass, object, message="") |
public | assert_kind_of (klass, object, message="") |
public | assert_match (pattern, string, message="") |
public | assert_nil (object, message="") |
public | assert_no_match (regexp, string, message="") |
public | assert_not_equal (expected, actual, message="") |
public | assert_not_nil (object, message="") |
public | assert_not_same (expected, actual, message="") |
public | assert_nothing_raised (*args) {|| ...} |
public | assert_nothing_thrown (message="", &proc) |
public | assert_operator (object1, operator, object2, message="") |
public | assert_raise (*args) {|| ...} |
public | assert_raises (*args, &block) |
public | assert_respond_to (object, method, message="") |
public | assert_same (expected, actual, message="") |
public | assert_send (send_array, message="") |
public | assert_throws (expected_symbol, message="", &proc) |
public | build_message (head, template=nil, *arguments) |
public | flunk (message="Flunked") |
Class Method Detail
Select whether or not to use the pretty-printer. If this option is set to false before any assertions are made, pp.rb will not be required.
Instance Method Detail
assert(boolean, message=nil)
Asserts that boolean is not false or nil.
assert [1, 2].include?(5)
assert_block(message="assert_block failed.") {|| ...}
The assertion upon which all other assertions are based. Passes if the block yields true.
assert_block "Couldn't do the thing" do do_the_thing end
assert_equal(expected, actual, message=nil)
Passes if expected == +actual.
Note that the ordering of arguments is important, since a helpful error message is generated when this one fails that tells you the values of expected and actual.
assert_equal 'MY STRING', 'my string'.upcase
assert_in_delta(expected_float, actual_float, delta, message="")
Passes if expected_float and actual_float are equal within delta tolerance.
assert_in_delta 0.05, (50000.0 / 10**6), 0.00001
assert_instance_of(klass, object, message="")
Passes if object .instance_of? klass
assert_instance_of String, 'foo'
assert_kind_of(klass, object, message="")
Passes if object .kind_of? klass
assert_kind_of Object, 'foo'
assert_match(pattern, string, message="")
Passes if string =~ pattern.
assert_match(/\d+/, 'five, 6, seven')
assert_nil(object, message="")
Passes if object is nil.
assert_nil [1, 2].uniq!
assert_no_match(regexp, string, message="")
Passes if regexp !~ string
assert_no_match(/two/, 'one 2 three')
assert_not_equal(expected, actual, message="")
Passes if expected != actual
assert_not_equal 'some string', 5
assert_not_nil(object, message="")
Passes if ! object .nil?
assert_not_nil '1 two 3'.sub!(/two/, '2')
assert_not_same(expected, actual, message="")
Passes if ! actual .equal? expected
assert_not_same Object.new, Object.new
assert_nothing_raised(*args) {|| ...}
Passes if block does not raise an exception.
assert_nothing_raised do [1, 2].uniq end
assert_nothing_thrown(message="", &proc)
Passes if block does not throw anything.
assert_nothing_thrown do [1, 2].uniq end
assert_operator(object1, operator, object2, message="")
Compares the +object1+ with +object2+ using operator.
Passes if object1.send(operator, object2) is true.
assert_operator 5, :>=, 4
assert_raise(*args) {|| ...}
Passes if the block raises one of the given exceptions.
assert_raise RuntimeError, LoadError do raise 'Boom!!!' end
assert_raises(*args, &block)
Alias of assert_raise.
Will be deprecated in 1.9, and removed in 2.0.
assert_respond_to(object, method, message="")
Passes if object .respond_to? method
assert_respond_to 'bugbear', :slice
assert_same(expected, actual, message="")
Passes if actual .equal? expected (i.e. they are the same instance).
o = Object.new assert_same o, o
assert_send(send_array, message="")
Passes if the method send returns a true value.
send_array is composed of:
- A receiver
- A method
- Arguments to the method
assert_send [[1, 2], :include?, 4]
assert_throws(expected_symbol, message="", &proc)
Passes if the block throws expected_symbol
assert_throws :done do throw :done end
build_message(head, template=nil, *arguments)
Builds a failure message. head is added before the template and arguments replaces the ’?’s positionally in the template.
Flunk always fails.
flunk 'Not done testing yet.'