

< Object



Visibility Signature
public new ( ie_hack=false )


Visibility Signature
public write ( node, output )
protected write_cdata ( node, output )
protected write_comment ( node, output )
protected write_document ( node, output )
protected write_element ( node, output )
protected write_instruction ( node, output )
protected write_text ( node, output )

Class Method Detail

new( ie_hack=false )

Prints out the XML document with no formatting — except if id_hack is set.

ie_hack:If set to true, then inserts whitespace before the close of an empty tag, so that IE‘s bad XML parser doesn‘t choke.

Instance Method Detail

write( node, output )

Writes the node to some output.

node:The node to write
output:A class implementing &lt;&lt;. Pass in an Output object to change the output encoding.

write_cdata( node, output )

write_comment( node, output )

write_document( node, output )

write_element( node, output )

write_instruction( node, output )

write_text( node, output )