

< Object

The class of the singleton object nil.



Visibility Signature
public & (p1)
public ^ (p1)
public inspect ()
public nil? ()
public to_a ()
public to_f ()
public to_i ()
public to_s ()
public to_yaml ( opts = {} )
public | (p1)

Instance Method Detail

false & obj => false
nil & obj => false

And—Returns false. obj is always evaluated as it is the argument to a method call—there is no short-circuit evaluation in this case.

false ^ obj => true or false
nil ^ obj => true or false

Exclusive Or—If obj is nil or false, returns false; otherwise, returns true.

nil.inspect => "nil"

Always returns the string "nil".



  nil.nil?               => true

Only the object nil responds true to nil?.

nil.to_a => []

Always returns an empty array.

   nil.to_a   #=> []

nil.to_f => 0.0

Always returns zero.

   nil.to_f   #=> 0.0

nil.to_i => 0

Always returns zero.

   nil.to_i   #=> 0

nil.to_s => ""

Always returns the empty string.

   nil.to_s   #=> ""

to_yaml( opts = {} )

false | obj => true or false
nil | obj => true or false

Or—Returns false if obj is nil or false; true otherwise.