

< Object

Object wrapping a reference to a remote drb object.

Method calls on this object are relayed to the remote object that this object is a stub for.



Visibility Signature
public _load (s)
public _load (s)
public new (obj, uri=nil)
public new_with (uri, ref)
public new_with_uri (uri)
public prepare_backtrace (uri, result)
public with_friend (uri) {|| ...}


Visibility Signature
public == (other)
public __drbref ()
public __drburi ()
public _dump (lv)
public _dump (lv)
public eql? (other)
public hash ()
public method_missing (msg_id, *a, &b)
public respond_to? (msg_id, priv=false)

Class Method Detail



Unmarshall a marshalled DRbObject.

If the referenced object is located within the local server, then the object itself is returned. Otherwise, a new DRbObject is created to act as a stub for the remote referenced object.

new(obj, uri=nil)

Create a new remote object stub.

obj is the (local) object we want to create a stub for. Normally this is nil. uri is the URI of the remote object that this will be a stub for.

new_with(uri, ref)


Create a new DRbObject from a URI alone.

prepare_backtrace(uri, result)

with_friend(uri) {|| ...}

Instance Method Detail



Get the reference of the object, if local.


Get the URI of the remote object.


Marshall this object.

The URI and ref of the object are marshalled.



Alias for #==


method_missing(msg_id, *a, &b)

Routes method calls to the referenced object.

respond_to?(msg_id, priv=false)